About Us

Welcome to Abhithi Foundation!!!

Abhithi means “Fearlessness”. Logo symbolizes Fearless future through focused initiatives for an inclusive growth and contribute for the worldwide sustainable development.
Abhithi Foundation is an initiative of Mrs.Assumptha Parthesarathy with the vision of creating a fearless life and inclusion in the sustainable development of the weak and the marginalised cutting across the gender,caste and class. After 20 years of experience working in different sectors of development initiated ABHITHI FOUNDATION with a vision of creating an inclusive society where there is a space for every individual to live a life with dignity and self respect despite the differences and where everyone includes everyone. Abhithi foundation is a non profit and non political organsation committed to empower the marginalised groups with special focus on women and girls through various acitivities that includes educational,medical and economic support along with the trainings, workshops,campaigns, conferences,research and documentations that are essential for the empowerment of the marginalised. Abhithi foundation works together with different agencies such as government, movements,NGOS, social activists, students,civil society groups that supports the empowerment process of marginalised sections of the society.


To promote quality education and skills among the younger generation with special focus on girls and facilitate them to understand and engage with global issues and diverse communities.
To address the issues that is affecting the inclusiveness of the vulnerable communities with special focus on women and girls.
To sensitize the community and the community based organization on social inclusion and ensure the the inclusion of women children, dalits, tribals, differently abled and older persons.
To initiate activities supporting the inclusive growth of the communities such as women children,dalits, tribals, differently abled and older persons.
To collaborate and network with organizations that is committed to promote gender equality and inclusion of the vulnerable sections of the society.

Target population:

Women and girls with the special focus on rural and marginalised communities which includes dalits and the tribals.

Key areas of work:

Education and Training of Women and Girls
Violence against Women
Women and the Economy
Women and Human Rights
Women and Health
Network and Collaboration
Women, Girls and Disaster

Our Services


Abhithi foundation is committed to work with younger generation as they are the base for the future society. Adolescence is a vital stage of growth and development marks the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is characterized by rapid physiological changes and psychosocial maturation. Adolescence is also the stage when young people extend their relationships beyond parents and family; they are intensely influenced by their peers and the outside world in general. With the commitment to promote 21st century skills to the adolescent girls. Adolescent girls of the age 10-19 were given life and career skills that also includes global awareness, health literacy and environmental literacy, communication, decision making, critical thinking ,problem solving etc.,


In a society where there are biases against women leadership and also women being in a secondary position for many generation women need support to develop their skills. There is an increasing number of women in leadership in both private and public sectors. We understand that providing leadership course to equip with skills and confidence to be successful women leader is crucial. And so community based women leaders were given leadership training for promoting Leadership of women with 21st century skills. Understanding social status of women, Advocacy for Social & Behavioural Change, Legal rights of women Life Skills, Health & Hygiene, Educational empowerment, Nutrition & Food Safety, Right to Information Economic Empowerment of Women. Digital India, Gender & Women, Violence against Women & Girls, Introduction to Govt. Mechanisms.


Promotion of networks among women headed NGOS and women entrepreneurs being a key concern for Abhithi Foundation several meetings are being conducted in different locations and the strategic planning are underway for strengthening further. Initiatives are being taken for strengthening other civil society organizations that are engaged in several other issues that are supportive for the inclusive growth of the community. Sensitization and capacity programmes on gender and social inclusion are conducted for the leaders of civil society organizations to ensure the inclusion of women, children, dalits, tribals, differently abled and older persons at all levels.

Programme Highlights


Empowering the adolescent girls: Summer Camp - 12th May 2018

Abhithi Foundation organised a summer camp with the concept of empowering the adolescent girls. It was very interesting and joyful moments as there were participation of about 30 girls at the age group 13-16 and they participated actively singing ,dancing,enacting role plays along with the sessions on social awareness and self awareness,ctritical thinking, creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, effective communication, coping with stress and emotions and also with tips for success in life and carreer.The girls were inspired so much and they demanded for a follow up workshop.

Empowering the adolescent girls - 02nd June 2019

On the 2nd of June about 150 adolescent girls gathered in Kamala Nehru hall for a conference on empowering adolescent girls. It was an interesting moment to facilitate the young and energetic groups and to understand their issues while providing inputs to deal with their issues and to develop their personalities and leadership skills for their bright future. The programme was organised by Samam Pengal Iyakkam and facilitated by Abhithi Foundation.

Life Skills for Adolescent Girls - 21st October 2019 :

On the 21st of October facilitated "Life Skills for Adolescent Girls" in the Savariyalu School as part of their Community Service Scheme. It was an opportunity to strengthen the adolescent girls in life skills that includes Critical thinking,creative thinking, decision making, problem solving, communication, inter-personal relationship, coping with stress, self awareness and sel esteem along with the motivation for success in education and career.It was a wonderful experience and sure to make a change in the lives of the girls.

- 17 year girl who is now in her second year of engineering i was about to drop out from school because of the financial crisis in the family. Abhithi foundation intervened, counselled the family and the girl and supported financially to continue her studies. The girl is now happy to continue her studies.

- Two girls at the age group 11 and 13 from the same family had lost their father in an accident and are living with a paralysed and dependent mother. The children are meeting their livelihood doing domestic help for their neighbours and also attending schools. They are in class 8 and 6.As there are possibilities that the children may drop out from schooling if they don’t find support to meet their financial need we communicated to different source for financial help. Hope Unlimited took the responsibility of supporting these two girls and are sending scholarship for both the girls.

Evening Tuition Centre

With the closure of schools due to COVID magnifying the educational gap among the marginalised communities , Abhithi Foundation has been addressing the educational emergency through our learning centres with special focus on tribal and dalit communities . As of now there are 10 learning centre s in the villages in and around Puducherry which includes Koonimedu, Kotakuppam, Vazhudavoor , Kazhikuppam from Villupuram District in Tamilnadu and Sendanatham,Vanarapet,Moolakulam, Suthukeni, Ransangulam and Katterikuppam from Puducherry.
There are about 250 children including both boys and girls who are being part of the learning centre. These learning centres has been supportive to the children for the continuity of their studies and also serves as a safe care centre for the children preventing them from issues such as child labour, early marriages etc.,

Capacity building for adolescent girls on Leadership

Abhithi Foundation has been conducting various level of capacity building workshop for the adolescent girls in its working areas regularly and has formed a young women’s group in every working village to address the issues of young girls particularly the issues of domestic violence, child sexual abuse, child marriage etc. They have been sensitised on Gender, leadership, laws particularly POCSO act,Nirbhaya act, domestic violence act and sexual harassment at work place. As they are sensitised on acts and helplines to seek help they were able to use them effectively to stop child marriages and domestic violence etc.,

Celebration of Women's Day - 8th March 2023

With our learning centre kids in their villages


Workshop on Womens rights - 28th April 2018

Abhithi Foundation organised a meet on Women’s Right on the 28th of April for which there were participation of about 30 women in leadership. The issues of women in Pondicherry and the obstacles in accessing the schemes particularly for the marginalised women were discussed.The importance of educating a girl and the problems of young widowhood and single women were also discussed during the meet. The women participated resolved to be united and support each other and thereby work together for consolidating women power.


Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day : Feb 12 2019 :

On the 12 th of Feb 2019 Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day is held for rural women and girls in the Government School Campus in P.S.Palayam. Concept of Gender Equality, Women empowerment along with the key issues and concerns related to sexual health, and mental health related to sexual health were discussed.Women and girls were able to participate effectively and get clarification on issues they cannot speak openly elsewhere.

Life skills essential for HIV prevention: 6/09/2019 :

On the 6th of September Ms.Assumptha Parthesarathy from Abhithi Foundation facilitated the session on "Life skills essentials for HIV" as part of the adolescent education programme organised by the education department along with Pondicherry AIDS control Society.

World AIDS Day – Human Chain event (10 Dec 2019)::

The human chain was organised by Abhithi Foundation along with Pondicherry central University on the occasion of WORLD AIDS Day-2019 in the Pondicherry Central University campus. This event was organised as part of the grand world event record coordinated by the Consortium of Health Association in India (C-HAI), a national networking organization among 75 NGOs in 75 towns in Tamilnadu and Puducherry making a a longest Human Chain as Grand world Record of Event in TN &Puducherry with the participation of more than 5 million youths in the program for creating AIDS awareness on the theme Community makes the difference. Consortium of Health Association in India (C-HAI), C-HAI is working in Tamilnadu, Puducherry, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Orissa for Menstrual Health Management and Health Initiatives.

Emergency Medical Grant

15 year old girl from a poor family was found to have TOF absence pulmonary valve and was advised to undergo complex open heart surgery. With the big support of Hope Unlimited an organisation committed to work for the Girl Child and other friends organisations like PPDS and Hope surgery was conducted on the 4 th of September 2019 and the girl is now back to her schooling and routine life.Happy to bring back her smile and hope she would reach a great height in her life soon.


Campaign Against Violence on Women (7/12/2019))

16 days campaign against violence on women led by Tamilnadu womens movement was organized by Abhithi Foundation in Puducherry on the 7th of December 2019 with the solidarity and participation of many organizations such as sneham thozhiyar thondiyakkam, arunthiyar penngal munetra sangam, ppds, Buddha Trust , manidha urimai nugarvore Amaippu, etc...


Facilitating Women’s network: Social equity Alliance (SEA)

Abhithi foundation has promoted a network of Women named social equity alliance for strengthening women leadership and to capacitate on concepts related to women which includes education, health and economy .On the 27rd of March there was a consultation for women leaders at the TNDWWS office, Thrichy. Women leaders from different districts participated and discussed on various issues including gender based violence and made a commitment to work together for promoting gender equality and women empowerment.

Consultation on the status of Women: Issues& Challenges (29/07/2019):

Abhithi Foundation in collaboration with Social Watch organised a consultation with the participation of NGO women leaders and activists on the 29 th of July 2019. Participants are those who are engaged in Gender equality and women empowerment. The consultation provided a platform for an update on the status of women and for an  exchange of information and for substantive discussion on issues and policies related to women..

TamilNadu NGO consultation on Beijing +25 (21/01/2020):

Ekta, a resource centre for women and an organising playing an active role in Beijing+25 organized a State level consultation in Tamil Nadu on the 21st January, 2020 (Tuesday) at ICSA, to share the outcome of the CSO forum at Bangkok and the follow up process . There was a meaningful participation and Ms.Assumptha Parthesarathy and Ms.Mano from Abhithi Foundation represented the forum. To be part of the forum and in the process of taking forward the Beijing+25 is an important milestone for Abhithi Foundation as the organisation is engaged in gender equality and women empowerment.

Generation Equality- BEIJING +25:Southern Regional Consultation on Beijing +25 Review on the13th August 2019 in Bangalore

As part of Social Equity Alliance(SEA) which is an initiative of Abhithi Foundation 10 grass root women leaders from the state of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu represented the one day regional consultation jointly organised by NAWO & UN-Women in the context of BEIJING+25. It was a great moment to meet leaders of different generation and to review how far the commitments of Beijing have been translated into concrete action in the last 25 years and specifically last 5 years by the Government. The emphasize to involve and engage younger women’s participation attracted all the participants though there were concerns about the age limit for young women as women tend to take a break and come back to public life at their later age.

Women for Climate Justice

On the 10th of December, 2023 planted trees in Thenalapakkam and katterikuppam with the support of youth volunteers.


Workshop on Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)

Abhithi foundation in collaboration with Social Watch - TN organized a One Day Workshop on Gender Responsive Budgeting on the 12th of August for the grassroot leaders in Pondicherry. It was a learning experience with the facilitation of Ms. Kamakshi, Social Watch and the active participation of about 20 leaders of both gender.


Covid -19 Response:

Disaster Hits the poor the hardest .Women and girls particularly from the marginalised communities are more vulnerable.Covid-19 is no exceptional with the sudden lock down. With the increasing number of single women labourers among the dalit community due to sudden death of their spouses addicted to alcoholism or deserted because of extra marital relationship as they migrate to work away from home the organisation decided to understand the impact of covid-19 pandemic among the single women with girl children. It came to light that they are struggling even for the basic needs and are forced to live in a pathetic condition as they are already dependent on their siblings or relatives for support in their everyday lives. It is this understanding that made us to focus on women and girls particularly the single women from the marginalised communities.
Since the announcement of lock down in response to COVID 19 the support of Abhithi Foundation has reached to 15 poor girls. A cash transfer of Rs 2,000 has been done to the girls of the single women directly . Abhithi foundation acknowledges the funding support of hope unlimited and also the friends organisation that helped in identifying the beneficiaries.

Covid -19 Response:

Older Women from the Arudhathiyar Communities living in Raja Nagar, Puducherry were supported with dry ration and Hygiene kit on the 27th of April 2020 as part of our commitment to reduce the economic impact of COVID-19 on the vulnerable communities.

Get Involved


We are happy to host students, researchers and others who are interested to learn about our work to visit our field. We shall make all arrangements for your field visits.


We always welcome committed and interested candidates to associate with our team.

Volunteer with Abhithi Foundation

Volunteers for Women Empowerment (2018-2019):

For those who are interested to contribute their time, skills and resources for empowering women and girls could volunteer to bring changes in the lives of women and girls.

Volunteers and Intern for Community Action:

We facilitate volunteers and interns who are interested to engage themselves in community action. We offer short term and long term guided program designed as per the requirement of the volunteers which is inclusive of both theoretical and practical inputs on community development with inclusive approaches. While the program aims to help the volunteers and interns to gain maximum providing better space for mutual learning and benefits we also assure a safe and secured stay with us.

Volunteers for Fund Raising and Communication:

We need fundraising and communication specialists who can help our organization grow and contribute for the achievements of the organization.

Online Volunteering:

We also encourage volunteering opportunities online for those who could not travel or other commitments but still interested in supporting our work. Their opportunities ranges from poster designing, developing campaign materials or developing contents for the website, newsletter etc.,



With the increasing demand each day for financial assistance for education and medical treatment, We are looking for donors to support financially (any small amount of your interest) to execute our two prime projects.
  • Educational Grant to Girl Child
  • Emergency Medical Grant
  • It is our pleasure to share with you that any contribution you make are eligible for tax deduction under section 80G .

    Organisations Account details:
    Beneficiary Name - Abhithi Foundation
    Bank Name - Union Bank of India
    A/C No - 570302010010244
    IFSC Code - UBIN0904422
    Branch Name - Reddiarpalayam Branch
    Place - Pondicherry

    Contact Us

    If you would like to get in contact with us please use the form below and we will be in touch very soon.

    Send a message to us

    abhithifoundation@gmail.com info@abhithifoundation.org